Generally, it needs a pretreatment sedimentation tank to remove the easily precipitated part, so as to reduce the subsequent wear on the equipment and the burden of subsequent treatment.Generally, this part can be completed by the drawing provided by the company and by the customer's civil construction. The next part, according to the requirements of ginger processing technology, can use the pretreatment equipment if there is more suspended matter in the drainage sewage. If there is low suspended matter in the sewage, the deep treatment equipment can be used.Production wastewater treatment usually adopts anaerobic, aerobic, anaerobic and other treatment methods, which reduce CODcr and BOD5 to different degrees, but the treatment effect of animal and vegetable oil is not good.In view of the high content of animal and vegetable oil in the wastewater produced by the enterprise, the pretreatment measures of oil separation and high efficiency air floatation were adopted.
石家庄 唐山 秦皇岛 邯郸 邢台 保定 张家口 承德 沧州 廊坊 衡水 太原 大同 阳泉 长治 晋城 朔州 晋中 运城 忻州 临汾 吕梁 沈阳 大连 鞍山 抚顺 本溪 丹东 锦州 营口 阜新 辽阳 盘锦 铁岭 朝阳 葫芦岛 长春 吉林 四平 辽源 通化 白山 松原 白城 延边 南京 无锡 徐州 常州 苏州 南通 连云港 淮安 盐城 扬州 镇江 泰州 宿迁 杭州 宁波 温州 嘉兴 湖州 绍兴 金华 衢州 舟山 台州 丽水合肥 芜湖 蚌埠 淮南 马鞍山 淮北 铜陵 安庆 黄山 滁州 阜阳 宿州 巢湖 六安 亳州 池州 宣城等等。。。。